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Internet Site ID Project For Identification of Website.
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Internet Site ID Project

Our internet services are established by 1990s which model was from DOD communication system. The problem of the internet is the identifications of websites on internet because the growth usages and the civilian uses of internet cause the internet to be overcrowded. In order to avoid security problems, we come up with internet-site-id-project for the identification of websites by id numbers. The security problems will solve after all sites register and use the internet site id on websites because all the registered internet site id users are secure and others may be harmful. The probability of the security problems will occur from unwanted civilian usages of internet and the registered users can be censored with our internet agencies with cyber agents on wire. There could be futuristic penalties for prohibiting usages of unwanted non-registered websites on internet.

In futuristic stories, ETs or aliens discovery(ies) will come. Then, internet will be observed by ETs for the future. There are needs for 'Counter Force' to stop internet security problems before our alien introductions for government uses.


There are more than 200 million viruses on the internet breaching securities. There are more then new 2,000 viruses found daily by antivirus labs. The best manner to solve this issue is to identify the website to secure from the security issues.


The project is currently developed by john3825(SYSOP) Needed For Server.

ER - Enhanced Readings

ICANN is aware of internet security. DOD and other agencies are aware of the encryption standards for current TSL, SSL security. The current encryption standard for SSL3 is not secure with AES 128bit CBC cypher encryption.


Internet Site ID Project is recruiting volunteers for the project. Please post message to the comment or e-mail john3825(SYSOP). -- Some experience requested....