Welcome to John3825 GitHub Pages.

This is Author's page. I make projects on GitHub for the internet-site-id-project, application-id-project, and etc. Please check our projects on the GitHub page from the link below. To join our project, email me first or select the project from the GitHub project page then folk on the project. If you’re using GitHub, simply folk our project repository.

Project on GithHub

We’ve crafted some handsome project for users to use. Go ahead and click the links above, then 'Continue to the project' to browse through them. You can easily join our projects on the project page by email or folk on the project. After folk on the project please mail me to the contact address. We will contact as soon as I can, approximately within 3-4 days. You can visit the project page and switch to another project if you want. Your Page content will be welcome and preserved.

Creating security recently

I'm creating something interesting for internet security because the threats on the internet. The encryption standard for current TSL,SSL is not strong enough. The current encryption for SSL3 with AES128bit CBC cypher encryption is not secure. Also, as many computers and computer related utilities are there, the more possibility to get vulnerability and blind spots for getting computer viruses and being attacked, just by simple statistic math calculation as normally people think and calculate. The technology progress with more complex machinery will read civilization to almost impossible to solve all the problems. To solve all the problem, I came up with internet-site-id-project and application-id-project. The are some simple ways to solve all the problems for the virus issues, secure all the in and out data sending and receiving, secure all the connections, and identify all the computers usages ( Website, user, computer, server, computer utilities, and all the applications ). The only ways to solve all the problems are secure those and make them all secure and separate from any viruses or malicious environments.

In order to make the all the work simple and in effective ways, the above projects are presented to solve all the problems. The securities of all the computers and computer utilities are completely tightened by the internet-site-id-project as explained in the project page, all the connections, computer, and computer utilities are secure. The all the websites are identified by the internet-site-id which need to be registered to internet-site-id-project-authorities. The internet-site-id-project-authorities are verifying and monitoring all the websites which are registered,with the requirement criterion meet, continuously. All the connection circuits need to be secured and separated from the other connection circuits. Then, internet-site-id-project-authorities are also keep checking and monitoring the registered internet-site-id websites for all threats, viruses, connections, potential enemies, connection failures, circuit errors, hackers, malicious sites, malicious activities, virus related organizations, and all other activities.

The structure of the World Wide Web, Internet is made of US Department of Defense, ARPA( no DARPA - Defence Advance Research Projects Agency ). So the basic structure is simple enough for US Defense Department to measure all the activities. The structure of the internet, World Wide Web, is simple and easy to maintain and monitor from all the failures and virus activities because of the design structure of the World Wide Web is made by ARPA for internet security to withstand with the structure base.

The application side of the securities need to be secure, so I came up with application-id-project. The applications need to be secured by application-id-project, so all the virus activities, threats, malicious activities, connection failures, circuit failures, vulnerabilities, blind spots, and all other problems are solved by application-id-project by identifying the applications and application developers. The application-id-project-authorities are keep checking and monitoring with the requirement criterion to meet and fulfill all the time. All the applications are safe and secured by the application-id-project because all the applications are identified by the application-id-project and all the above problems are solved by the application-id-project, internet-site-id-project,and refuse-ip-project.

To solve all the problems and keep maintain the World Wide Web and computers constantly, the internet-site-id-project, application-id-project, and refuse-ip-project need to maintain all the computers with antivirus farms and antivirus companies to monitor and keep verifying the registered websites and applications. The registered websites, computers, computer utilities , and applications are secured and separated by the different circuits from others and without any virus and threats. So, finally uncountable threats and virus possibilities are solved by the internet-site-id-project, application-id-project, and refuse-ip-project. The number of the possibilities of threats are infinity numbers and possibility for the threats against all the computers, computer utilities, and applications, as the technology progress in the future. Someday, ET and alien civilization will come. In futuristic stories, ETs or aliens discovery(ies) will come. Then, internet will be observed by ETs for the future. There are needs for 'Counter Force' to stop internet security problems before our alien introductions for government uses. Finally, the solutions for all the problems are here to be presented. The internet-site-id-project, application-id-project, and refuse-ip-project are presented on the project page.

To join our project repository(ies) go to the project page on the GitHub. In addition, I am supporting regularly to update and maintain the project contents, need some volunteers who needed servers. It is simple, big number of statics for the needs, may be you should join. Our projects make it easy to create security and protection on World Wide Web, internet sites and users without having to worry of them across the World Wide Web. Our projects also offer intelligent supports to make World Wide Web community, websites, and users with better and safer environments with complete security from any threats and comforts. Make yourself feel comfort to enjoy our community and we offer other advanced features.

Authors and Contributors

You can contact me through email on GitHub(@john3825 ) page.You can join our projects from the project page GitHub Project. Or if you have any question regarding the projects, just open tickets or email me from the GitHub project pages.

The Author of The Projects And The Page is john3825: Joined in 2013, john3825 (@john3825 ), on GitHub.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with Pages? Check out john3825 Project page(@john3825 ) for documentation or email for contact support and we’ll help you as soon as I can.